Not much is known about these mauraders. According to local folklore, the group originated as a result of a dispute with CRESCO, our chief financial supporter. Apparently some lowly CRESCO office workers banded together one day to make their feelings known that they didn't neccesarily agree with the company's decision to fiance what they were calling , "a morally corrupt campus enviroment, one suited for she-beasts not humans." When the corporate suits at CRESCO heard of these claims, the group was immediantly banished from the property and the very next day, handed their walking papers.

But the story doesn't end here. With their heads in the sand, so to speak, the group of trouble-makers ventured from CRESCO corporate headquarters and set up camp across the river (that seperates Churchill from the barren wasteland that is the rest Northern Manitoba). It is here where they would protest their firing, claiming it was the CCK's fault they lost their jobs.

A C.L.O. recruitment officer points out the CCK to a pair of American tourists. Christening themselves as the Cresco Liberation Organization (C.L.O.), the group began a merciful assault on campus morale. Each and every day they would stand by the riverside, spouting their gibberish at faculty and students alike to, "join the other side." Much to their chagrin however -- and our delight -- their harassment caused no more than an imprint on the CCK. No Chancellor fearing Churchillian in their right mind would believe such lies!

The C.L.O. soon realized their attempts were not working. Seeking the attention they so desperately craved, the group decided the only way to achieve their goal of shutting down the campus was to turn their back on their peaceful, albeit protests of back, and to instead focus their eforts on acts of primal rage, a.k.a, terrorism.

And so the carnage began. Though no formal charges have ever been laid, the C.L.O. are suspected in a number of crimes ranging from coup d'etats, to arson to warfare at sea. However, if the Whoop-Ass Brigade has any say in the matter, things will be different. Citing unsurmountable evidence, the Brigade would like nothing more than to see these rouges put behind bars, for good. Yet for some reason, each and every time the 'Brigade is about to lay charges, an alibi is presented, thus causing the blame to be pointed elsewhere.

There's a suspicion floating around campus the C.L.O might have an associate working on the inside, providing just enough evidence to fashion yet another excuse as to why "the C.L.O didn't do it." Well if this is the case, it's also the figurative last straw. Under no circumstance will the CCK tolerate such behavior from a bunch of radicals, let alone tolerate terrorism from within.

C.L.O., I hope you're reading this. No longer will you hurl your propaganda at us. No longer will you bear down your ugly paw of destruction. And no longer will you disrupt our beautiful little town with your accusations of unjust morality. You have sealed your fate C.L.O., good night.